Why Self-Care Isn't Selfish

This morning, I went to go to my meditation practice...and I was attacked by a case of the But Firsts.

....but first, I needed to take the dog out.

....but first, I got caught up in some emails.

....but first, a neighbor wanted to have a chat.

And before I knew it, it was time for my first client.


Has this happened to you?

Sometimes, it seems like taking the time to take care of myself takes a backseat to taking care of others.

But of course, taking the time to take care of myself actually makes me MORE qualified to help others.

That's why self-care isn't selfish.

Self-care gets misconstrued with negative “self” starting words like self-centered, self-indulgent, and self-absorbed.

But self-care is a selfless practice used to preserve our overall well-being. It is the process of:

💛 Recognizing your own needs
💛 Understanding how it positively affects others
💛 Making yourself feel good so other can feel your good feelings too!

Depriving yourself of what your mind, body, and spirit crave creates a vicious cycle of burnout.

When you put yourself first, you set yourself up to be the ultimate, the highest, the most divine version of you.

Forging strong impactful relationships with others starts with being in-tune with your own needs.

Think of it this way:

How can you help other people if you can’t help yourself?

This is why self-care is selfless; you recognize and respond to your needs with others in mind.

It’s a domino effect:

You take care of yourself → you feel good → you help others → they do better → they help more people

Do you need ideas for self-care? My self-care essentials (which shouldn’t come as a surprise 🤣) are yoga and meditation...a.k.a. my sanity keepers.

Look, we know yoga and meditation are extremely beneficial for sharpening the mind and improving the body. It literally builds your brain!!

“There exists an indisputable connection between a person's overall physical and mental health and the inner peace and well-being yoga is designed to achieve. Yoga suspends the fluctuations of the mind and by acting consciously, we live better and suffer less.” - a study from the International Journal of Yoga .

Another study found mindfulness meditation improves attention with just a brief 10-minute audio-guided instruction. This was for beginners!

Plus, yoga and meditation enhance improvement in working memory function.

Improved focus ultimately leads to a more productive self. Focus + productivity = more energy to use in your life and business. Imagine the new heights your business could reach just by committing to a couple of daily self-care practices.

How has your self-care been lately? Honestly... I mean, I just told you I skipped my meditation practice this morning to hang out on social media 😆

2020 has thrown a lot at many of us and I understand that your self-care routine may have taken a backseat. Wouldn’t it be great to end the year feeling at peace and in control?

Let me teach you how to master your own needs so you can step into 2021 as the best version of yourself. I invite you to join us for my next course The Mindful Productivity Project!

The whole program is $108 (as always, I have student and single mama rates - let me know if you're into it but need a sliding scale!).

Ready to sign up?

I'd love to have you!