How To Answer the Question “Can You Work for Free?"

So you get asked to work for free (or even better, EXPOSURE WEEEEE!). Now what?

Picture this: You are just starting out as a social media manager and get a message on Facebook from someone interested in your 3-month package. 

Hell yea! A potential client! You don’t even have time to finish your happy dance when you see those dreaded words appear on the screen:

“Can you work for free? It’s a great opportunity!”

Well….no. It’s not possible to work for free.

I can volunteer for free!

But I don’t work for free.

And omg I don’t think you should, either!

How can you possibly feel valued when someone dares to ask you to work for free? This person thinks so little of your work that they don’t even want to pay you! 

And it’s not that they CAN’T pay you.

It’s that they’ve decided to spend their money on more high priority projects.

You’re not responsible for their money management.

You’re responsible for yours!!

If you are in a service-based industry, you have likely dealt with a potential client who wants you to work for free.

Friends, you absolutely deserve to be compensated! I’ll delve into why you should never work for free, what to say to the request, and how to have an empowering perspective moving forward.

Why You Shouldn’t Work for Free

Whether you are a seasoned professional or trying to book your first client, you are entitled to be paid for your work!

You don’t need to work for free to learn, gain experience, get exposure, or build your portfolio. 

Honestly, I hate that tactic. 

People play on others’ insecurities and lack of industry experience to get free work. Which is shady AF!

You were qualified and knowledgeable enough to start your own business, you don’t have to prove yourself any further by working for free. I wouldn't give my work away, and neither should you!


Constantly taking clients for free you will inevitably lead to burnout. 

The honeymoon phase of having a client will wear off and you will soon realize just how much time and effort you’re putting into something that won’t make you any money. You don’t want to be deep into a project thinking, “I shouldn’t have done this.” You will always regret it. 

Burnout causes exhaustion, stress, reduced performance, sleep disorders, memory problems, and more. Don’t self-sabotage your physical and mental health by letting burnout consume you. Especially, if you’re working a full-time job with a side-hustle.

What to Say When a Client Asks You to Work for Free

So, what do you say when a client asks you to work for free

When the potential client sends the request you can answer, “I would love to help! Want to discuss the budget? My rates for this project are x. You can PayPal me and I’ll get started right away!

It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. You don’t have to justify why you did or didn’t charge them. They will likely refuse to pay and never ask again, or they will pay you and you’ll have a paid client!

Look, I get it. It can be anxiety-inducing to stand your ground when you’re just starting out. 

You may feel like, “No, I don’t wanna lose this person!”

Or you might second-guess yourself: “Well, maybe I do need the experience?” 


Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.

If you lose a potential client because they didn’t want to pay you, then you didn’t lose a client!

Asking for Compensation Empowers Both of You!

Yes, being paid for your services empowers you AND the client. You feel valued for receiving payment for the effort you put into your work while the client values their needs enough to compensate you for it. 

If someone kept offering free services, would you really consider them to be valuable? Or would you respect someone more for charging competitive prices because they know their worth? 

In theory, free work sounds great for the person receiving it, but what is the quality of that work going to look like? 

When clients don’t pay it creates a cycle of worthlessness eventually hurting you and setting low compensation expectations for other service-based individuals. 

You Are Only as Valuable as You Value Yourself

Value yourself, your time, and your work by getting paid for what you do. You will thank yourself later. Taking on free work will ultimately lead to burnout while getting compensated will empower both you and the client. Know your worth and don’t work for free!

Before you go...

Are you stuck trying to navigate your new business on your own? Perhaps things aren’t going exactly as planned. 

Honestly, the same thing happened to me when I started my business! 

It wasn’t until I hired a business coach that I learned how to expand my business, learn to sell myself, and most importantly, make money to create the life I wanted. (and am now living!)

Friends, I offer private one-on-one mentorship and coaching with the intention of building a sustainable healing business. If you’re thinking, “Hey! I could definitely use some extra help,” please don’t hesitate to me at or message me on social media. 💛

Up Next:

  1. How to Monetize Your Content to Build Passive Income Streams

  2. How to Build an Online Course

  3. 20 Ideas for your Next Income Stream

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