5 Ways to Deal With Decision Fatigue

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Have you had this conversation?

“What do you want to eat tonight?”

“I don’t care.”

“How about Chinese?”

“No, not that.”

Um…I guess you DO care. You’re just too exhausted to make a decision!

When we make mediocre judgments is it a lack of willpower, exhaustion, or maybe a little bit of both? It’s called decision fatigue. 

Decision fatigue is the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making.

Choices are draining, you guys. Think about after a long day of making decisions: you’re foggy, tired, maybe even a little bit irritable. How can you effectively make decisions if your willpower has been worn down? 

Plot twist: You can’t. 

We all have a certain amount of willpower and once it’s weakened, our brains just aren’t going to process information as well.

Research even shows judges give more favorable rulings in the morning compared to after a long day of decision making. Yikes! I would HATE to be getting sentenced at 3 PM on a Friday.

Decision fatigue can ultimately turn into decision paralysis or procrastination which is just as bad. So how do we successfully combat decision fatigue? 

Get Clear on Your Goals

This method is beneficial for short-term and long-term goals and priorities. First, get clear on who and what your priorities are and what goals you’re trying to achieve.

Ask yourself:

→ What/who do you value most?

→ What/who are you trying to align yourself with? 

→ What/who serves you and what/who doesn’t?

→ What are your short, medium, and long-term goals? 

Get a Routine

Routines help cut down on little decisions. They make everything that much easier for your everyday tasks. 

Small decisions like picking out what you're going to wear that day may not seem massively important, but they add up! Think about when you’re running late in the morning- the littlest decisions are the most frustrating. 

✨ Meal prep
✨ Get your outfit together
✨ Get your coffee ready
✨ Make time to workout
✨ Have a clean space
✨ Get a good night’s rest 

Do whatever else you need to set yourself up for success for the day. What’s worse than starting your day pissed off? (Probably getting sentenced at 3 PM on a Friday tbh)


Take care of yourself! Self-care is selfless, NOT selfish. If you’re constantly experiencing decision fatigue you’re gonna wear yourself out. 

Meditation and yoga are my self-care essentials, which really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anybody! 🤣 Find something you love that will positively impact your mind, body, and spirit so you can stay calm and make the best decisions possible. 

Face Your Fear

Fear may be inducing your decision fatigue. You may be making certain decisions because you are avoiding others. 

Could it be you’re simply lacking the necessary information to make an informed decision that’s deterring you from moving forward? 

Example: Maybe you have a fear of buying a home. Is there a financial fear attached to that? Or are you unfamiliar with the real-estate process making it uncomfortable? 

Don’t Limit Yourself

When faced with a profound decision we often use tunnel vision. Sometimes oversimplifying things actually makes the situation more complicated. You shouldn’t discredit certain options or paths just because you’re unfamiliar! Research, talk to people, and utilize your resources to make an informed decision. 

Up Next:

  1. How to Monetize Your Content

  2. 20 Must-Have Business Essentials to Survive 2021

  3. How to Build an Online Course

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