My Top 10 Ways to Manifest Wealth

One of you told me recently, when I asked you in my IG stories to DM me to learn how I lost 50 lbs, that she wishes she had that much time to dedicate to herself.⠀

“Must be nice,” she said.⠀

It sure is! ⠀

splendid yoga manage your money yogically money manifestation accelerator challenge

You’ve got the same 24 hours as Beyoncé, baby ..... except that she has sort of has more because she’s outsourced most of her life.⠀

You’ve gotta learn the tricks of the wealthy to LIVE LIFE ON YOUR TERMS UNAPOLOGETICALLY.⠀

But do it from a place of service.⠀

If you need 6 hours a day to take care of yourself so that you can truly do the work you came here to do, you need to work less.⠀

And you need to charge more for your time.⠀

That’s just how it goes.⠀

I didn’t gain 50 lbs of extra weight because I was taking impeccable care of myself.⠀

I gained weight and got into debt and dated toxic men because I was working 50+ hours a week for $15 an hour and had no energy to put into myself.⠀

Then I got into yoga.⠀

And yoga was like, “Girl, you’ve got it all backward!⠀

“You don’t spend 8 hours working and one hour on yourself.⠀

“It’s the opposite ratio if you really want to serve your purpose.”⠀

So I started taking care of myself…

…and working less…

…and making more money.

What a shift after a decade of doing work that I dreaded! (So many spreadsheets, you guys.)

You can’t serve your purpose and build your empire if you’re freaking out about getting evicted.⠀

You deserve freedom from money stress so you can go save the world.⠀

Now for…

splendid yoga money manifestation accelerator academy

Here are my top 10 ways to manifest wealth:

  1. Garden

  2. Repeat affirmations that give you chills (my favorite right now is “I am a magnet for money, men, and magic”)

  3. Write down the income you want to make every day

  4. Say out loud the hourly amount you wish you could charge in your biggest dreams

  5. Balance your checkbook every day

  6. Donate to a charity or buy services from businesses that will have a positive impact aligned with your source of income (i.e., yoga teachers spend money at yoga studios if you want to teach public yoga; spend money on private yoga teachers if you want to teach privates)

  7. Practice minimalism

  8. Do grounding hip openers like squats

  9. Visualize your bank account balance with the number of 0s behind it that you would need to feel like you never have to work again unless you really want to

  10. Meditate every damn day

Up Next:

  1. Why It’s NOT Rude To Discuss Your Salary

  2. Need an Idea for Your Next Income Stream? Here Are 20!

  3. Here's How To Resolve Your Anxiety Around Money

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