Why You NEED To Outsource

You don’t have the same 24 hours as Beyonce.

You know why?

Because she has a TEAM, y’all.

Time has a funny way of slipping away from us. Before we know it a month, a season, or even a year has gone by. (Remember April? Oh, those halcyon days.)

But what about everything we were supposed to accomplish? We had so many plans and big goals, what happened to them?!

Well, life got in the way. Your busy schedule, responsibilities, side hustle, the exhaustion from your day job got it the way. 

How many hours of the day *actually* belong to you? After sleep, getting ready, commuting, working, and finishing daily tasks how much of that time is really yours?

A time audit is an excellent way to take back control of your time. You can identify where your pockets of energy are and what’s draining your energy. You can only work so much until you're burnt out. 

What would life look like if you were able to outsource some of your daily burdens and utilize that time for whatever you wanted?

Would you rather:

  • Clean your house → get a housekeeper

  • Overwork yourself →  hire a VA

  • Run errands with your kids →  get a nanny

How much can you work out to get you one step closer to...

✨ Life on your own terms
Self-care everyday
✨ The dream business you’ve always wanted

Get more confident and stop saying no to yourself! Saying no is constrictive and self-sabotaging. To break away from your current situation you have to say YES! Freeing up your time is an investment in YOU. You can’t expect to move forward if you keep saying no to yourself. 

Friends, I’ve been in that position where it feels impossible to break away from the monotony of a “safe” routine. I was working full-time in a stressful corporate job in golden handcuffs.

I realized with the extra free time I would be able to give more and create more financial security.

Let me tell you if I didn’t outsource some things to create more time for myself I wouldn’t be getting this message to you right now! (This is one of the ones Victoria wrote for me!)

Seriously, my business probably wouldn’t exist!

Psst…I talk a lot about this on my Manage Your Money Yogically podcast!