How To Overcome Decision Paralysis

decision fatigue

Have you had this conversation before?

“Hey babe, what do you want for dinner?”

“I don’t care".”

“Okay, I’m ordering Chinese.”

“I don’t want Chinese.”


Are you drained from making decisions all day? Is it wearing down on your mental health? Affecting your relationships?

You, my friend, maybe suffering from decision fatigue!

What is decision fatigue?

Decision fatigue is the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making.

We make thousands of decisions every day. Some big, some small.

Some days your hardest decision is your Starbucks order and other days it’s deciding on a house with a 30-year mortgage.

We are constantly making decisions that sometimes we don’t even realize. Our brains are on autopilot. 

Our brains have limits. The more decisions the brain makes in a day the more tired it becomes. Each choice depletes a little bit of our willpower.

If we are repeatedly making decisions then that will power starts getting worn down. Just like anything, if you overuse something it’s not going to work as well. Think about trying to accomplish a task when you’re exhausted. Same concept. 

After a while, decision making begins to feel like an annoyance. This is dangerous! When that will power starts to erode so does that judgment on our decisions. Simply put, your decisions aren’t going to be that good. 

Decision fatigue elicits two types of responses: lack of self-control and decision paralysis. When you lack self-control you shut down mentally and eventually do nothing. Decision paralysis ultimately turns into procrastination. 

To combat decision fatigue, we must… make fewer decisions! (I hope you guys saw that one coming.)

Here are some ways to help decrease the number of decisions you need to make daily:

✨ Write down goals and priorities 
✨ Make a meal plan
✨ Plan your workout
✨ Clean your house
✨ Use a checklist
✨ Minimize the distractions 

Once you have planted the roots of your decision making you can branch them off into smaller decisions.  

Up Next:

  1. How to Stop Saying NO To Yourself

  2. 5 Ways to Deal With Decision Fatigue

  3. 5 ways to Improve Focus and Avoid Distractions

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