Is It Time for a Social Media Detox?

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Are you feeling uninspired, unmotivated, and unbelievably stressed?

Friend, it might be time for a

✨ Social Media Detox ✨

Does this sound like you?

  • Mindlessly scrolling on social media ✅

  • In a constant social platform rotation ✅

  • Post about your life before you live it ✅

  • Use social media as a distraction ✅

  • Low productivity and creativity ✅

If you begrudgingly said yes to any of those (or are honestly just fed up with the post-election feed 🙄) then keep reading. 

Don’t lie - the red notifications, the likes, the tags all feel sooooooo good. No wonder why the average person interacts with their phone a whopping 2,617 times per day.

Psssst that’s a social media high!

Our phones are like mini slot machines flooding our brain with the same serotonin it receives from gambling making it hard to stay disciplined when it comes to screen time. 

A little bit yikes, huh?

Yes, we can all admit we’re a little bit dependent on social media; that’s simply the design.

Let’s be clear, I’m not bashing social media. I mean, you likely found your way here VIA social media! 

Social media can serve us, but it becomes a problem when it starts taking us away from our true purpose. 

If your phone is feeling like more of a ball and chain rather than a resource, follow my most effective tips for detoxing from social media:

💛 Utilize screen monitoring notifications to keep track of your time
💛 Create off-screen time with hobbies, self-care activities, or entertainment
💛 Meditate for clarity
💛 Try yoga for focus and balance
💛 Unfollow/block anyone that makes you feel like shit
💛 Pick a time to put your phone away every night
💛 Delete a social media app (or several)

Remember, social media is a tool, not a lifestyle. Figure out what methods work for you to curb your social media usage so you can avoid burnout.

Wanna get back to basics so you can work from a place of expansion but don’t know how? Email me at and let’s have a chat about how we can change your life!

Up Next:

  1. How To Overcome Decision Paralysis

  2. How to Monetize Your Content

  3. 5 ways to Improve Focus and Avoid Distractions

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