5 Ways to Destress From This Dumpster Fire Year

self care destress dumpster fire 2020

Y’all, can I just say it? 2020 has been fucking INTENSE.

Amid global suffering, life has drastically changed for many of us. The everyday stress we were once dealing with has now been elevated. The uncertainty that has always existed in the world has been magnified x 1000.

How do you even deal??

Do you identify and deal with it right away, the stress, the anger, the frustration?

Or do you compartmentalize?

I used to compartmentalize my stress...until it led to

  • burnout

  • poor mental health

  • extreme fatigue

  • panic attacks

  • depression all the other wonderful symptoms that come along with it. 

This was no way to live. I had to actively work with myself to calm myself down.

Right now you may feel like you have a brick on your chest, but I want you to remember to…

💛 Keep breathing

Only so much is within your control. That includes your breath! Do a simple tonglen meditation: breathe in the universal stress. Breathe out universal peace.

💛 Get out of your head

Times are tough, and ruminating about all the negative in your life/the world ain’t helping. Try to find pockets of peace within every day that will establish security and bring you joy. That moment of laughter, a warm ray of sunshine, spotting a dog - savor it. Feel it in your body.

💛 Use the calming practices that you know work

Meditation, yoga, and journaling are all great ways to settle the mind. Your calming practice may look a bit different. Just find something that soothes your mind and body that you can practice regularly to achieve clarity.

💛 Self-care

Coping is that much harder when you neglect self-care. Rest, nourish your body, get out in nature, do yoga on the beach, or whatever you need to recharge. 

Do you need a more personalized approach to refocus your energy?

Friend, I can help.

If you’re feeling like “Hey, I don’t want to do this alone” then please message me or email me at hi@splendid.yoga.

I would be elated to help you with this part of your journey 💛

Up Next:

  1. Calling all my ADD brothers and sisters!

  2. Why Self-Care Isn't Selfish

  3. Need A Self-Care Checklist?