Daily Meditation: Affirmations for Wealth and Success

Let’s do some affirmations to align yourself with wealth and success.

Have a seat.

Repeat after me:

Everything that I put my energy into will turn into success. 

My energy offers me limitless possibilities.

I have MORE than enough ALL of the time!

Everything I touch turns to success! 

I am co-creating success and abundance in my life.

Things are always working out for me and I don’t force anything.

I am aligned with my higher self and every inspired action I take is guiding me towards my dream life.

My work is of high service and worthy of massive compensation!

It is easy for me to go after what I want.

Money is abundant and constantly flowing.

I am worthy and capable of living the life of my dreams.

I am an abundant being, for whom health, wealth, and all good things are inevitable.

Money flows to me in never-ending waves.

Life is rigged in my favor.

I am limitless & safe.

My intention is to co-create abundance & live in alignment with my values.