How to Find Peace

What does it mean to be at peace?

How do you find peace within yourself?

How do you find peace of mind?

In life, we are on a constant journey to find peace amidst the chaos, but what does that look like?

Peace is not a thing you can take. It’s a feeling and a state of being. It exists in the present moment.

If you are depressed you are living in the past

If you are anxious you are living in the future

If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu

Being at peace is often confused with something being peaceful. Just because you are experiencing something peaceful doesn’t mean you are at peace.

A picturesque lake surrounded by mountains is peaceful. A quiet beach at sunrise is peaceful. Being at these peaceful places does not equate to peace within yourself. 

When you ask yourself “how to find peace?” you’re not searching for that serene place, but that feeling within you. 

It’s continuous work, a constant practice. Even when we do get to a place of peace, it’s something we have to learn how to maintain. 

To me, peace is knowing you have everything that you need and that everything you will need is coming to you.

This can be a difficult mindset to keep because your mind thrives off security! It doesn’t want to comply because it demands answers. 

Your brain wants to know what’s coming next even though you don’t have the answers. 

The future is NONE of your business.

Sure, you try to formulate a plan to make your mind happy, but everything constantly changes. 

How often did this month’s plan change for you? Did you follow it exactly, or did it change? How about your 2020 resolutions? I’m going to safely assume that somewhere along the way, you’ve had to change your plan. 

Think about what you tell yourself every day and the reassurances you have to coddle your brain with so it doesn’t send you into panic mode. My friends with anxiety (so, all of you) know this all too well. 

Tranquility and anxiety both come from within our deepest Self, not the mind. We need to learn how to deal with our anxieties to get peace of mind.

You can’t rely on other people or things for peace. 

Maybe you have it in your head that once you reach a certain weight that you’ll be a different person. Or if you get a certain salary your life will be perfect.

That’s not how it works, my friends. (I say this as someone who has lost 50 lbs from my highest weight, and is still depressed and anxious af.)

Being at peace means you have found your baseline so that no matter what happens, you can stay true to your kindness and strength.

You are a guiding light starting from a place of peace. 

Wondering what a day full of peace looks like? Here’s what I did today to find peace:

✨ I drove home from a weekend in the desert with friends singing songs and catching up on the moth and Snap Judgment and Chelsea Riffe’s podcast

✨ I rescheduled a client instead of pushing through technological issues

✨ I took an hour-long self-healing qi gong class (this is part of my master’s program)

✨ I ate bread I made myself and vegetables have grown a few miles away from here and chocolate chips

✨ I rode my bike 17 miles up a big hill

✨ I visited with my neighbors

✨ I practiced yoga for an hour

✨ I was guided through a half-hour clearing session with Michelle Renee Hyken

✨ I’m about to listen to the Taoist meditation lecture I missed when I was wandering around the desert while watching the sunset

All of these things brought me peace today.

I still cried and had difficult thoughts and felt anger and upset and sadness, but right now I feel more at peace than when I started the day, and more at peace than yesterday, and I’ll see if I can keep heading in that direction tomorrow.

How can you work towards peace? What if by working towards peace you could simultaneously improve your

💛 Focus
💛 Sleep
💛 Sex
💛 A stronger body
💛 More joy
💛 Increased productivity

Friends, please join me for a life-changing 30-day meditation experience The Mindful Productivity Project! Mediation can be hard, but I make it easy!

In just 30 days, you will have: 

  • A rock-solid self-care practice that lights you up

  • Unshakeable confidence to make the best decisions to move forward 

  • The ability to easily overcome hiccups instead of getting completely thrown off

  • A high-vibe foundation to create everything you want in life because you trust yourself so deeply

Let’s do this! Join me here.