How and Why to Fire a Client

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So, you need to fire a client.

Maybe they’re annoyingly indecisive, a toxic workaholic, hindering your expansion, or maybe just a pain in the ass.

There’s plenty of reasons to fire a client, but the main one is: they cannot pay you enough money to deal with their bullshit anymore.

Maybe you need to focus on your mental health, are going in another direction with your business, or need to tend to personal matters.

There’s definitely a wrong way to fire a client.

We’re not burning bridges here.

We’re freeing the client to find the help they really need.

While every situation is on a case-by-case basis, here are some general rules to follow. ESPECIALLY, if there’s no bad blood between you and your client!

✨ Give notice 

Don’t be that guy who quits on the spot and leaves the other person hanging. If you’re on contract, exercise your exit clause. If you’re not, send her a simple email, “Hi Begonia, My business is moving in another direction and I’ll be canceling our work agreement effective DATE. Best of luck!” 

Do not respond to any email beyond what you are contractually obligated to give her to complete the work you’ve been paid for.

Hold the work hostage until she has paid the final invoice.

✨ Give a reason for termination

If you have a good working relationship with your client, have a more thoughtful approach. I suggest honestly telling them why you need to terminate the contract. (this is at your discretion of course!)

I have so much love for my clients! If I had to let some clients go to focus on my mental health or tend to a sick parent, I would be open as to why we’d need to part ways.

If your client is the latter, give a general reason like “At this time I am moving my business in a different direction and your business does not align with my future model.” 

✨ Follow up with a phone call

Starting the termination over email is fine but you’ll want to follow up with a phone call to walk your client through the process. This will ensure the everything goes smoothly and you can answer any questions they may have.  

Need more tips on firing a client? Let’s schedule a time to chat and I’ll help you find the ACTUAL clients you’d LOVE to work with 💛