5 Must-Hear Podcast Episodes For A Better You

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What was your experience with 2020?

I don’t want to make assumptions, but I think last year has been incredibly stressful for all of us. 

This year shaping up….about the same.

The pandemic drastically altered our once stable world seemingly overnight. Suddenly, the collective was flooded with uncertainty, sadness, stress, fear, anger, and anxiousness.

Although we are amid global suffering, it is not selfish to want to heal yourself. Taking the time to properly care for your mind, body, and soul to remedy yourself is essential for expansion.

Remember, self-care is selfless, not selfish.

One of my favorite ways to indulge in self-care is to listen to an inspiring self-help podcast episode.

After feeling bogged down from the mental gymnastics of everyday life it feels incredible to reenergize and restore my focus with an uplifting podcast. 

Here are 5 podcasts episodes for a better you that are guaranteed to shift your perspective and help bring you closer to joy.


UnF*ck Your Brain 143: Radical Self-Love & Self-Care

Kara Loewentheil is the liberating powerhouse you didn’t know you needed to hear. Her unapologetically infectious confidence on her podcast UnF*ck Your Brain will have you HOOKED. In episode 143: Radical Self-Love & Self-Care, she explores the deeply rooted oppressive ideologies we have been conditioned with like:

  • Why are women taught to take care of others before themselves yet men are accepted as they are?

  • Why can’t you love yourself as you are?

  • Why don’t you take care of yourself exquisitely?

  • Why do you believe you aren’t worthy because of _______?

This episode will push you to think deeply and question “why do I think like that?” 

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Affirmation Pod 275: Being Too Hard On Yourself

Sometimes it can be so hard for us to be kind to ourselves. With everything going on in the world, are you treating yourself harsher than usual?  

Josie Ong’s podcast Affirmation Pod gives you the weekly uplifting message you need to quiet your mind. 

Her short but powerful episode Being Too Hard on Yourself will help get you out of your head and into a positive mindset. If you know you need to be kinder to yourself, give this one a listen.  


Joyfully You: Creating Alignment and Overcoming Self-Sabotage 

Kelsey Low wants you to get out of your own way! In her episode Creating Alignment and Overcoming Self-Sabotage, she discusses the many distractions that pull us away from our soul’s work. 

We are all destined for joy, but for some of us, we don’t have a clear pathway to get there. Kelsey touches on ceratin blockages that prevent you from joy like your inner child, energy suppression, and resistance. 

This episode is perfect for you if you feel like your energy is restricted and you need to realign yourself with your life’s blueprint.


The Self Love Fix 71: Why It’s Okay to Ask For Help & Support

Do you ever feel afraid to ask for help because of a reaction you got in the past? Beatrice Kamau totally gets it. In her episode Why It’s Okay to Ask For Help & Support, Beatrice highlights the importance of taking the first step in asking for help when you need it. 

Contrary to your beliefs, needing support doesn’t make you weak or lazy. Beatrice’s biggest takeaway: don’t feel like you have to figure it all out on your own. 

For all of you independent do-it-yourselfers, this one’s for you. 


Splendid Yoga Podcast: How To Never Worry About Money Again

I couldn’t finish this list without mentioning my very own podcast the Splendid Yoga Podcast. Part of my life’s purpose is to help others become financially independent so they can live life without restriction. I did it myself 4 years ago and I’m never looking back!

In my episode How To Never Worry About Money Again, I talk about how to utilize active, passive, and semi-passive income streams so you never have to worry about money again. 

One of my proven ways to bring in the money is to combine the practical stuff with the magical stuff.

I use a foolproof budgeting system paired with a little bit of the woo.

I have a FREE 3-Day Challenge called the Money Manifestation Accelerator that teaches you everything you need to know about how to clean up your money mess once and for all and start making the money you deserve to live life on your terms.

What You'll Learn:

Day 1: Super Simple Budgeting

  • EXACTLY how to create a lifestyle budget that feels expansive so that you never have to check your bank balance before you decide to buy something

Day 2: Effortless Income

  • The BIGGEST mistake everyone makes when it comes to setting your rates

  • How to IMMEDIATELY increase your income doing the work you LOVE to do without working 12 hour days

Day 3: Magical Manifestation

  • How to use a little bit of MAGIC to bring in the income you deserve

  • Set up a simple referral system that WORKS to bring in more money for whatever you're selling

You can begin the challenge today!

And the best part?

It’s totally free.

Check it out: