The Yoga Sutras: Correct Perceptions

Not to get all ‘Matrix’ on you guys, but everyone lives in a different reality.

You’re probably thinking, “Sure, Jan,” but it’s the truth!

splendid yoga sure jan

Perceptions are unique experiences that mold how we view the world.

They have shaped your perspective of reality. That’s why everyone sees the world differently. 

Correct perceptions are how we become aware of something through the senses that guide us through life via:

◾ Direct perceptions

◾ Deductive perceptions

◾ Authoritative perceptions

Direct correct perception is something that can be captured by the senses and is processed by your brain as concrete proof. 

Here’s what I mean:

  • You feel the wet wave of humidity on a July afternoon. 

  • You smell the aroma of a freshly-lit lavender candle. 

  • You trust these perceptions because you feel them through your senses and they are familiar. 

Deductive perceptions are repeated experiences where you anticipate a certain outcome.

This is what I mean: If you leave your shoes in a different room, it is realistic to find them there when you return several hours later. (This may not be the case if you’ve got a mischievous fur baby at home 😉🐶)

You’ve done this a million times and you know that no external factors can move your yoga mat, thus creating a deductive perception.

Perceptions based on authority can be ⚠ DANGEROUS ⚠ 

These perceptions rely on you trusting a person of authority for the truth. With no experiences of your own, you’re trusting that this person has had these experiences and is telling the truth.

But we know it doesn’t work that way. Look at politics. 🙄

Just because their perception is true according to them doesn’t mean it’s true for you.

Question who you trust whether it’s another person, a politician, a media source, academia, etc. You don’t always have to “go with the flow!” Reevaluate what kinds of perceptions you are taking from others. 

So, how do we tell whether a perception is good or bad? Let your body feel it out! Listen to your body, that’s why we do yoga! Your body knows your truth.

Up Next:

  1. How To Hire a Business Coach (like me!)

  2. The Compulsive Need to Do More (or: How Do I Stop People Pleasing?)

  3. How to Stop Saying NO To Yourself