The Yoga Sutras: Humility is the Antidote for Ego

How’s Your Ego?

Humility is the antidote for the ego.

Humility is “a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.”

When we grow, we begin to break away from the old bonds of the ego.

The ego gives us false validation like:

🔥 I’m the smartest
🔥 I’m the best in my field
🔥 Why can’t people get on my level?
🔥 I don’t need anyone’s help to succeed

Humility grounds us from all of that. We become whole through humility. 

The ego is sensitive because that is how the conscious-self views our identity. 

The Essential Yoga Sutras Says, “Ultimately we only become whole when we are truly capable of helping others with the things that really matter: when we can help them understand how they came into this world, and what life is for, and whether it has to live with every losing thing.”

In yoga, you need to come from a place of humility. 

Don’t be thwarted by your ego. In this course, you may progress to a certain level and begin to feel that ego whisper to your insecurities. 

Those thoughts of “I’m the best at this” or “this is so easy” may fill your mind. Even a small ego can completely taint your higher level of awareness. 

When you come from a place of humility, you appreciate all aspects of how you got to the place you are now. 

We are a collective. Each of us is who we are and where we are because of one another.

I am the yoga teacher I am because of all the instructors, educators, and coaches, before me who bestowed this knowledge on to me and am now passing it onto you. 

How did you get here at this exact moment in time? It was because of the help and hard work of others. Every instance of how you grew up, to who your teachers were, to what your parents gave you has paved your path here.

You also impact others along your journey. That’s why becoming whole through humility is imperative.

Up Next:

  1. The Yoga Sutras: Constant Practice

  2. The Yoga Sutras: Imagination, Sleep, Memories

  3. The Yoga Sutras: Cultivate Your Practice

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