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Day 6

We’re often told to focus on positive thoughts.

We’re told to breathe in the good shit

and breathe out the bullshit.

That’s bullshit.

Yeah, do what you need to do to manifest what you want.

Repeat those affirmations.

Make those vision boards.

Find the silver lining.

But don’t ignore the hard stuff.

It’s there for a reason.

It’s all there to serve as a lesson that you have compassion.

That you desire to relieve the suffering of others.

That’s what we’re going to focus on today.

Doing what you need to do to take care of yourself so that you can help others.

Here we go:

Hooray! Let’s breathe in the bullshit and breathe out the good shit (it’s usually the opposite)!

Sweet! This is an active shoulder opening sequence. The shoulders are where the ego places the burden of its wants.

Glorious! Let’s cook something delicious!

 Keep in touch, y’all!