Interesting Ways To Make Money with Yoga Teacher Business Coach Emily Sussell

Emily Sussell is the CEO of Abundant Yogi Coaching, a business coach for yoga teachers transitioning to an online coaching business. After graduating from college, Emily didn't want to work a "real job," so she taught yoga for 7 years. But she wasn't making a ton of money at first. 

So she started pivoting, and she's been pivoting ever since. 

First, she focused exclusively on private clients rather than studio or gym classes that paid way less. Then, she realized other yoga teachers needed help making more money, so she started coaching them on CONSISTENCY and SYSTEMS to make a sustainable income as a yoga teacher. 

Meanwhile, she was mastering selling online courses with 20k launches, so the next level was to create Butterfly School, the six-month coaching program for yoga teachers pivoting into coaching. She argues that you can use debt wisely to invest in coaching programs and courses and shares her story of the 25k business coaching mastermind that led to her 100k month. 

And I want to emphasize: you don't have to spend money you don't have on these high ticket offers to experience that kind of success. It helps to have someone show you the way. Investing in courses has been way more valuable to my finances than any specific class I took in college. 

But prove to yourself that that coach will work for you. Any business coach you're considering working with will have loads of free resources for you to utilize. 

Take advantage of them. Do one of their webinars. Sign up for a free challenge. And do everything they say. 

See if you get the results you want. See if it makes you money. 

Then use that money to invest in one of their programs. 

It's possible to use debt wisely to grow your business - every hugely successful business has AFTER they've proven a concept can make money - and it's possible to go unbelievably broke hoping that just one more course is going to change your life, or just one more MLM is going to make you thousands a month. 

It doesn't work if you don't implement the strategies, and if you don't enjoy the strategies you're being taught, you won't do them.  

All that said! 

Check out Emily's resources at her Facebook group, the Abundant Yogi Collective: 

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