Splendid Yoga

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Daily Meditation: To Ease Chronic Pain

Do you have chronic pain?

I’ve gone through various phases with it.

During childhood, I had daily migraines.

(Turns out that’s because I have PTSD from early childhood trauma!)

I’ve had some pretty deep healing phases, including an 18 month ACL replacement that took two surgeries to figure out.

I don’t know if I know what your pain is like, but here’s what my pain was like:

  • Exhausting

  • Sharp

  • Aching

  • Distracting

  • Isolating

This meditation is not going to cure your chronic pain.

But it will change your relationship to it.

Pain is a message, not a punishment.

Pain is your nervous system telling your brain, “Something’s off. We need to do something different.”

In your wisdom, you get to decide what that something different is.

Maybe it’s paying close attention to the pain that seems unbearable, that we will do anything to escape.

Give it a try.

Let me know how it goes.

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Daily Meditation: Ease Chronic Pain Morgan Balavage

Listen Next:

  1. Podcast: Mutual Awakening with Amy Jahn

  2. Daily Meditation: Tonglen Meditation to Ease Suffering, Pain, and Hardship

  3. Daily Meditation: Affirmations for Wealth and Success

Listen to more of my daily meditations here!