Splendid Yoga

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Need A Self-Care Checklist?

HEY! You look like the kind of person that needs a self-care checklist.

Am I right?

You being someone who survived 2020?

Well, you’re in luck!

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s establish one thing

Self-care = Sanity

Seriously, if I don’t regularly incorporate self-care into my routine I might do something that puts me on the national news.

We go through A LOT. Between the daily mental gymnastics and physical endurance your mind and body receive, it's imperative to give yourself some much-needed TLC.

Self-care allows you to heal yourself with things you enjoy and are necessary to continue your expansion without getting drained and burnt out. 

There are so many self-care preachers out there, and they’re often selling something. 

Self-care doesn’t have to look like bubble baths and facemasks if you don’t want it to!

Self-care is called self-care because it’s how YOU take care of YOURSELF. This leads to having a deeper connection with yourself. And that can be totally free, friends.

If you’re the type of person that likes solitary hikes in the forest, then a day at the spa might not be your thing. 

So, how do you create your own checklist?

Go through areas of your life that need a bit more nurturing and match them with activities that will ease the stress of the pain point. 

Here’s my self-care checklist:

✨Get out in nature

Practice yoga


✨Delete social media apps


✨Go to bed early

✨Nourish my body with good vegan food

✨Complete personal hygiene for the day

✨Connect with friends and family

✨Listen to mindset focused podcasts

✨Take a warm bath

✨Watch my favorite feel-good movie



Ready to feel refreshed, focused, more creative, and most importantly, to start putting yourself first?

If you’re looking to implement ways to take care of yourself to operate from a place of expansion and align with your purpose, check out my free meditation course!

Up Next:

  1. 5 Must-Hear Podcast Episodes For A Better You

  2. How to Set Successful Resolutions for 2021

  3. How to Channel Your Will Power For Your Best Body Ever