Splendid Yoga

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Calling All My Add Brothers and Sisters!

Have you watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix!?

You guys, it’s SCARY-CRAZY!

This documentary dives into the science behind our smartphone addiction, how we’re getting played by the algorithm, and that social media is basically designed to get us to buy more stuff.  

I’ll be the first to admit I spend WAY too much time on my phone. 🙋

Sure, I use my phone for work. But…. I also use it to mindlessly scroll on Instagram and rewatch clips of Schitt’s Creek on Facebook. (maybe I know the choreography to “A Little Bit Alexis” but that’s beside the point!)

We are constantly being bombarded with an overload of information on social media. Think about it: In just a 5-minute scroll how much information have you taken in? Ads, people’s personal lives, entertainment, short clips, stories, and on and on and on...

We’re continuously being pulled away from our focus, and this doesn’t just go for social media. Tons of loud distractions deter us from keeping that focus we so desperately need. 

Distractions are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. 

Your thoughts, TV, emails, food, phone calls, pets are all distractions. Basically, anything that takes your attention away from the task at hand is a distraction. 

Your mind is always turning between imagination, memories, sleep, and perceptions. It’s hard to focus as it is! Now add social media and all of the other distractions on top of this PLUS all of your responsibilities like your job, family, side-hustle, etc. 

Amazingly, we have still had the ability to focus at this rate!

You must learn to take back your focus! Or you will get lost in the chaos.

Focus drives everything: your thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. 

When you fail to focus on what’s important, things start to fall apart. What happens when you don’t focus on a relationship? Exactly. 

What you focus on is your reality; if you focus on negative things you’re going to be negative if you focus on positive things you’re going to be positive.

To focus you need to calm the distractions:

💛 Delete a social media app

💛 Meditate

💛 Do yoga

💛 Take a long walk

💛 Cuddle with your pets

In my own practice, I find yoga and meditation to be most beneficial when I’m looking to settle my mind. Meditation is an excellent way to calm the distractions because it starts with your inner peace.

Meditating helps bring me clarity. When you meditate your body enters a state of deep relaxation. This allows me to let go of all the thoughts and distractions I’m holding onto. It reduces my stress, anxiety, calms my ADHD, enhances my self-awareness, and so much more! 

2020 is effing crazy, am I right? I don’t want to assume, but have you not put yourself first in a while? Perhaps you’re just feeling a few steps off and need a reset. Wouldn’t it be amazing to achieve better

✨ Focus

✨ Sleep

✨ Sex

✨ A stronger body

✨ More joy

✨ Increased productivity

If you’re nodding your head, then I’ve gotta insist you check out The Mindful Productivity Project.

Up Next:

  1. How to Avoid Burnout

  2. Why is Meditation So Hard?

  3. 5 Must-Hear Podcast Episodes For A Better You